Master Your Ride

Enhance your skills with advanced motorcycle rider training tailored for all experience levels.

Novice to Instructors by DoT Assessor Trainer

Motorcycle Rider Courses

Enhance your skills with our advanced motorcycle rider training programs tailored for all levels.

Beginner Motorcycle Training

Learn from the person that trained, assessed & audited the instructors for the DoT.

Advanced Riding Techniques

Master advanced riding techniques to improve your safety and confidence on the road.

Safety and Skills

Focus on essential safety skills and techniques for a confident riding experience.

New Motorcycle Instructor Training

Your best opportunity to pass the DoT PDA

Advanced Motorcycle Rider Training in WA

Enhance your skills with our XDoT advanced motorcycle rider training courses using your own bike… join XDoT.

man riding touring motorcycle during daytime
man riding touring motorcycle during daytime
a group of people riding motorcycles down a street
a group of people riding motorcycles down a street
a group of people riding on the back of a motorcycle
a group of people riding on the back of a motorcycle

XDoT - Shadowing with real instruction

Enhance your chances of passing the DoT Assessment with our XDoT ART instructor coaching you on your own bike before the actual PDA …

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